How to Lower Costs and Boost Operational Efficiency with Digital Procurement

Oct 3, 2022


The duties of your digital procurement departments are ever-changing. Along with directing and managing the purchasing activity within an organization, the procurement department also writes and oversees supplier contracts and purchase orders, negotiates the deals, communicates with suppliers, and more. 

From managing back-office duties to identifying potential savings or discount opportunities, digitizing certain procurement tasks can help save your business valuable time and resources, giving employees more time to devote to strategic tasks. 

Antiquated, time-consuming procurement processes can severely hinder an organization’s bottom line. How can businesses streamline procurement without causing disruptions in their daily functions? With digital procurement. 

How Digital Procurement Can Help Your Business

Digital procurement partially or fully automates repeatable tasks, improving efficiency and reducing time spent on purchase request verifications and approvals, purchase order creation, downstream invoice processing, and more. Digital procurement offers numerous advantages to organizations, including: 

  • Less time spent correcting mistakes and rework.
  • A reduction in errors related to manual input.
  • Less time spent on manual input.
  • Less time spent chasing employees down for approvals. 
  • A reduction in exceptions.
  • The ability to identify and prevent errors before they occur.
  • More seamless purchase order and invoice matching and approvals. 
  • Order status and delivery visibility
  • Accurate classifications for accounting, budgeting, and spend analysis

The right digital procurement software improves procurement procedures and lowers costs by up to 45 percent. A procure-to-pay platform like Vroozi offers multiple advantages, such as higher levels of spend transparency, better supplier performance and on-time delivery, less maintenance and rework, boosted productivity, and more. 

Not sure how digital procurement can help your business? Here are a few simple ways digital procurement can reduce costs and improve operational efficiency: 

1. More Savings Opportunities When Purchasing Goods and Services

A digital procurement solution can help your company take advantage of pre-negotiated discounts and savings by only working with approved suppliers. This boosts your organization’s financial control, spend visibility, and compliance. 

Digital procurement oversees all transactions, storing them in a single, centralized location that gives the  C Suite, managers, budget owners, and finance visibility into the company’s current financial standing and recommended next steps. A digital system that’s intuitive, simple to learn, and user-friendly will simplify the business buying process, leading to less rogue purchasing. The best part? This technology can be accessed by both remote and on-site employees. 

2. Better Spend Visibility, Leading to More Informed Spend Decisions 

Automation and error checking will help improve your organization’s data quality and quantity. How? Employees going “in system” increases the overall volume of data that you can gather. This leads to improved real-time analysis and better, faster insights. This valuable information will lead to better decision-making and more informed spend decisions. 

Enjoy automated and streamlined purchasing in as little as six weeks with Vroozi and Amazon Business.

3. More Employee Participation and Higher User Adoption

A digital procurement solution like Vroozi doesn’t require any training and can be learned quickly. This rapid adoption leads to less time spent creating purchase orders and more spend under management – more spend under control and visible. Automating these simple, repeatable processes allows your Procurement department to spend more time helping your organization improve and add more value to the business units. 

Start Automating Time-Consuming Procurement Processes with Digital Procurement 

Vroozi simplifies the process of business buying. Streamline purchase requests and order approvals with a single click. Vroozi Purchase allows you to shop, manage, and approve orders from any device, storing this information in a central, easy-to-use platform. Book a demo here!

Amazon Business and Vroozi logos with colored circles surrounding them.

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